Monday, June 25, 2007

New Link and New Baby

This is a bit off the topic of the class but I wanted to let everyone know about the birth of our new grandson, Kieran Michael Nevins in Richmond, VA... We went down for his birth last week... He is in healthy, wonderful shape. Debbie and I are holding him just 20 minutes after he was delivered by C-Section... Our son Tyler is a graphic designer in Richmond where he lives with his wife Jessica.

I have added a link to the last Museum Experience class's blog from mod 4... You might find it helpful to see what others did. Take a look on the right under new class links.


skim said...

Again, congratulations to you and your family.


Jerry said...

Thanks Sue!

Martha Alden Schuler said...

Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news :o)

Jerry said...

Thanks Martha!